Conto “Recorrência” de Sete Abismos - Versão Original em Inglês.

Como revelado em meu livro Sete Abismos, o conto Recorrência é uma adaptação e tradução do conto Recurrence que escrevi em inglês. O idioma foi escolhido em razão de seu poder de síntese, portanto cairia muito bem na transmissão do que eu pretendia explorar com o personagem Misthe. Aqui você poderá ler, portanto, o conto original, escrito em inglês, que deu origem ao conto Recorrência que está no livro.




I was spending hours there; it was as if I was losing all my life in fifty fragile minutes, and those eyes behind round and large glasses, the ticking of the clock. Something was very wrong there. However, I could not say anything; there was a big sign on the white wall in front of me: Do not speak, keep silence. Next to me, a woman wrapped her arms around herself; her clothes were white and she was barefoot. I can hear her breathing. Small noises and I start to sweat. I can hear steps in the distance. I was rubbing my hands over my eyes; my eyes were burning. How else could I bear it? Any type of electronic couldn’t get there; they had even confiscated my keys; I was forced to take off my contact lens! Because of that, my eyes were burning. "Sir Misthe?" - I hear a soft female voice. I get up and look towards the silhouette. "Could you come with me?" - I move my head to show that, yes, I will go with her; after all, there was no other choice.

Through the halls, doors in light gray. My vision was already driving me crazy, I could swear that in one of those doors was a small window, in this window was something strange. It was like an animal, I swear I saw. However, it was also a person, a woman with short and dark hair. I rubbed my eyes. Damn myopia. Suddenly a sound invaded my ears, I put my hands over my ears and my body bent down, I looked up and saw the silhouette walking without me. I tried to tell the woman to wait for me, but my voice was no way out. The fault was of that damned sign that called for silence. "Sir Misthe?" - I heard. I looked at the silhouette. A soft voice before the silence. "Could you come with me?" - She said. - I moved my head to show that, yes, I will go with her; after all, there was no other choice.

I do not know for sure about the things that happened there, but I was there and I felt it in my veins. The fear. Some things do not need detailed explanation. “Sir Misthe? – I heard again. “Are your eyes ready for surgery?” -- I looked at her; in my forehead was the purest expression of horror. – “Surgery? Are you crazy? I don't even know what I’m doing here at all; how can I accept this?” – “Just keep calm, sir, we're all in trouble here. It is a tough choice, I know, you have your time to decide. Call me when you need.” – She left the room. “Abandon all your expectations” – I heard a whisper, but there was no one there but me.

I looked around quickly, desperately; I felt fear. “Who is there?” – I asked the nothingness. No one answered. I do not know for sure about the things that happened there, but I was there and I felt it in my veins. The fear. Some things do not need detailed explanation. I got up and walked towards the exit door; I touched the doorknob, but I was afraid to open the door. I looked back, I looked around, and I looked up. I was, really, alone. I decided to look through the keyhole.

The whisper… I have not looked through the keyhole, the feeling was unique, and I felt uncomfortable. I knelt. My eyes began to water and my heart was tight. What could I do? Life was no longer the same, the meaning had undone. Sometimes we struggle to believe that the possibility is in our favor, but it is not. When the first tear fell at the white floor, I saw the blood. I looked in panic at the door; my vision stained with blood; the door was open. “Why do you do this to yourself?” – There was a woman standing there in front of me. I could not see her perfectly. However, she was beautiful. The whisper that she gave me. The whisper…

"Sir Misthe?" - I heard a soft female voice. "Could you come with me?" – I looked at her and I smiled, the clock was still on the wall and I had no other choice but to go with her.


"Sir Misthe, welcome back"

My tongue has become fiery rock and my cries are the silence of my soul. To die would be my only luck. Something is wrong with me. I know you will come again and order silence, just as the damn sign on the wall. I did not forget the lava you made come out of my brain.

"Oh, Misthe, please drink her" you said. Your tongue has always been fiery rock.

I'm fine, before you ask me. I went back to that room and the only truth I had was chaos. The girl was transformed into a living flesh demon. I can’t see the light. You sewed my eyes, you sewed! But I still see that girl. It's like she's inside me... Stop! Stop laughing! I will not go with you anymore, no, I will not.

"It's time to take your medicine, Sir Misthe" she said.

"Damn it! What did you do to me?"

"Sir Misthe, it's all in your mind."

You look at me, I know it even though I cannot see you. I hear your breath. I smile.

"I'm fine" I say before she asks me.

Alone again. First, I still hear the clock. The water tastes like blood. "Drink her" I remember. Something is very wrong here, I slept for five years while you extracted my organs; my lungs exhaled volcanic smoke. The visions are stable, I've never been alone.

"It's all inside you, Misthe."

I've never been alone.

I get out of bed. I spit the narcotic. I'm dizzy, I'm cold. The more I walk towards what I think is a door, the more I feel strange. But how can I know? The curve of the wire glues my eyelids. Suddenly the light. I scream, and the intensity makes me fall to the ground.

"I can see again!"

The first image comes under the door. There is a great hall there and the people ... Oh my god ... People are eating each other like cannibals. I throw up my lunch, even though I have not eaten anything for five years. Then I hear a sound coming from the right side. A mirror reflects my body. Numerous eyes have been implanted in my skin and I can fill ... I can fill with all of them.

"What the fuck did you do to me?"

"Stay with me, I'll give you everything" I hear you whisper.

“Who are you?” – I shout.

I break the mirror, I'm learning to master my new eyes. Behind the broken glass is a door with a small window. "Could you come with me?" I hear the voice behind the door. I approach the small window and there I can see ...

"Could you come with me?"

The tick of the Clock.

"No! Don’t move your head to say you go with her!"

My twenty eyes are burning.

"No, you bastard! Dont’t go with her!” – I scream.

"Sir Misthe?" – I look back. "We will begin the twenty-first surgery."

Sahra Melihssa

Escritora Melancólica, Poeta Obscura, Sonurista Lírica e Psicóloga Existencial. Anfitriã do Castelo Drácula. Saiba Mais


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Às Sombras de Scar Narcht, Canto de nº II